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Resolve Muscular Back Pain in 6 weeks
Coby Langford, Award Winning Osteopath
BSc. (Hons) Ost. Med. N.D. D.O

"Without this course I would have been consigned to a life reliant on painkillers and feeling like a victim of my unreliable, excruciating back.....this course saw me through some of the darkest moments of pain and immobility to take me through the other side to a life where I am pain free and in control. Coby's knowledge and support are invaluable. Don't hesitate... sign up - your back will love you for it. I was sceptical and didn't believe anything was going to work.....its hard graft and you have to be dedicated but it's so worth it."
Debbie, Back Pain Bootcamp Graduate May 2018

"I created Back Pain Bootcamp due to a desire to work more closely with serious people inside my Back Pain Academy.

I could see that many people were struggling with the endless search for the right combination of exercises and were looking for a blueprint guide to follow.

So this is what I have created - a simple, step by step map that guides you through a 6 week exercise program - combining osteopathic, medical and yoga approaches for the ultimately powerful results you are looking for.

Back Pain Bootcamp utilises 'The Soothe Method',  my unique exercise program that incorporates brain Cortical Remapping, the missing link in back pain resolution."
Discover how 'The Soothe Method' has helped hundreds of people find a permanent resolution to their muscular back pain

Anne Whitehouse, UK

"On day 7 something very weird happened…..weird and remarkable. I was standing in the kitchen loading the dishwasher when suddenly the pain disappeared. I found myself standing without pain for the first time in years. I was astonished!!"

Can you imagine a life without back pain?
It is 100% possible!
Are you tired of planning your diary in pencil...not knowing if your back will be 'ok' on that day?
Do you long to be able to lift up your children without fear of a back spasm?

Would you like to Regain the Abilities that You Have Lost?
...Bending, Lifting, Running, Travelling, Sports, Family Time
Anything & Everything You Want To Do!

Well let's get this back pain sorted then!

The best news is... It's really easy!
This is not a complicated, time consuming program.
Using her understanding and experience of working with back pain sufferers,
 Coby has created a short, targeted, incredibly effective program that can easily be fitted into your day.

"I realised very quickly that if I gave my patients too many exercises, they wouldn't do them. 
To me, the key to resolving muscular back pain is in doing a few, TARGETED exercises every single day. 
Daily is the key. 
This allows the muscles to be re-trained, transitioned and re-balanced, resulting in a pain-free back" 
Coby Langford
Simplicity is the secret key...
Why do hours of exercises hoping something might help your back pain, when you can do a few, very targeted exercises that focus purely on the muscles responsible for your back pain?

Makes sense doesn't it?

This focused simplicity is the beauty of this program - 5 stretches, 2 core activation exercises and one simple strengthening sequence. 

We ignore everything else and laser in on the only muscles that we need to focus on. THAT is why this program is so effective. THAT is why people love this program so much. 

Coby will not waste your time, or your money.
So... Why does Coby's program work?
90% of Back Pain is muscular!
This means that you can do something about it without relying on anyone else! 

Coby's program is a complete muscle re-balancing program designed to strengthen 
your weak muscles, re-activate your core, and restore you to full flexibility and a pain-free state.

The Magic Ingredient
The Soothe Method is an intelligent program, based on decades of research.
Research has shown overwhelmingly in recent years that the brain is the missing link being overlooked in all approaches to resolving back pain. 

Evidence Is Now Showing That Brain Control Of Back Muscles Is Impaired in Chronic Low Back Pain
By Re-Activating The Correct Brain Mapping You Can See Your Pain Start To Ease Away In Just 5 Days...

Without Any Drugs, Expensive Treatments, Or Any Side-Effects.

Coby has researched heavily how to incorporate this research into her method. 

For this reason The Soothe Method incorporates Brain Remapping training to ensure your brain recruits the correct muscles for movement, giving you real, sustainable results... not just a quick fix.
Why an exercise program?
The Government standard agreed and proven approach to resolving muscular back pain 
is to strengthen your back through an effective exercise program.

NHS advice for managing back pain;

"The following tips may help reduce your backache and speed up your recovery:

Stay as active as possible and try to continue your daily activities – this is one of the most important things you can do, as resting for long periods is likely to make the pain worse
Try exercises and stretches for back pain; other activities such as walking, swimming, yoga and pilates may also be helpful"

Bupa advice for managing back pain;

"There are a number of things you can do to help relieve back pain.

Stay active and continue your daily activities as normally as you can. However, remember to take care when lifting or twisting your back. Doctors used to advise bed rest, but now we know it can make back pain worse. Try to avoid sitting for long periods.
Do exercises and stretches – see our section on exercises for lower back pain below."

N.I.C.E guidlines to doctors for managing back pain;

1.2.2 Consider a group exercise programme (biomechanical, aerobic, mind–body or a combination of approaches) within the NHS for people with a specific episode or flare-up of low back pain with or without sciatica. Take people's specific needs, preferences and capabilities into account when choosing the type of exercise."
What Doctors have to say...

Dr Hilary Jones, GMTV

“I wish there was a Coby in every G.P. surgery. The conventional medical fraternity are very poor at diagnosing back pain and sorting it out. We don’t assess properly, we just say rest up and give it 6 weeks, when actually rest is the last thing you should do. You should be strengthening those weak muscles as the muscles support the spine and ease the pain. Where painkillers have side effects, Coby’s treatments don’t!”

So... Are you going to 'rest up' for 6 weeks?

Or train with me for 6 weeks and actually resolve your back pain?
What Coby's Patients have to say...

Joe Cole, Liverpool F.C.

“Coby resolved my chronic back pain, and I now use the techniques she taught me in my daily training program”

Pepe Reine, Goalkeeper,  Liverpool FC, Spain National Team

“Coby is the missing link my training was waiting for. After a career plagued by back spasms, I have not missed a day of play due to back pain since working with Coby. In my entire career I have never found anything as effective as her program for resolving back pain”
What Soothe Method Graduates have to say...
"It's not too much of an exaggeration to say The Soothe Method is changing my life..... I feel in control and not fearful of back spasm. It feels so empowering to be able to do something positive that works when all other avenues fail."

Melanie, Bootcamp Graduate, April 2018
"Coby's program has really helped. I went from hardly being able to bend down,
 to being able to do a full day's gardening without pain."

Tony, Bootcamp Graduate, April 2018
"I was surprised and delighted by the support. It was really encouraging to receive replies and answers to my queries"

Debbie, Bootcamp Graduate, May 2018
"In early March this year, thinking I had nothing to lose, I purchased Coby Langford’s 6 week Exercise Program. After 2 weeks of religiously following the program every day, my back had improved noticeably.

By the end of the 6 week program my back had gone from chronic pain of 9 out of 10 down to about 3/10. I have continued doing the stretching program every morning.

I can now get out of bed and stand up straight rather than bent over for the first few minutes. I no longer have constant pain. I can now bend over to pick something up off the floor without experiencing pain.

I can now stand up for hours knowing I will not be in a lot of pain for the rest of the day and unable to sleep due to the pain. I no longer have to take medication just to obtain some respite from the pain. I no longer have to pretend I am pain free when I am with my friends (no one likes to hear someone whinging continuously).

Prior to using this programI was becoming seriously concerned about how I would manage moving forward. Being a very active and sporty person this was a huge problem for me. I am just so excited and so, so grateful for this program. It has absolutely given me back my life!"

Sydney, Australia
What Coby's YouTube subscribers have to say...
So if you want to try an exercise program for resolving your back pain.... you may as well do one that is going to work!
Coby Langford works at the top of her field. If you are going to utilise an exercise program to resolve your back pain, why would you follow any other program? 
Here Is What You Get...
Lifetime Access to my 
"Back Pain Bootcamp" 6 Week Video Training
Watch the Bootcamp Training videos as many times as you like at your own convenience 

Week 1: Core Activation

In week 1 I will train you how to CORRECTLY activate your Core Stability.
You will learn my ultimate back pain stretching program.
And you will learn the ancient powerful art of deep relaxation.

Week 2: Ultimate Stretching 

In week 2 your core activation training will have taken effect, allowing the muscles to start to relax and stretch out...this is when the magic begins to happen! Your back will start to feel flexible and 'free' as your muscles begin to 'melt'.

Week 3: Power Up

In week 3 you will learn my ultimate strengthening program. Your muscles will start their transition into strength and begin to restore their normal function. You will start to get some pain relief and your back will begin to feel stable and strong.

Week 4-6: The Home Run

In weeks 4-6 you will practice the whole program every day - taking a maximum of 
18-22 minutes. You will feel stronger by the day and see a daily reduction in your pain.
You Also Get Lifetime Access to my 
"7 Secrets To Resolving Back Pain" Video Series
Watch the "7 Secrets" Training videos as many times as you like at your own convenience 
Proof of my confidence in this program
When I first created this program, I was so overwhelmed with the results people were getting that I called up GMTV and offered to come onto the couch for National Back pain awareness week.

"We need something interesting" they said. "You can't just come and talk about back pain - it's boring! What could you do to make the piece different and watchable?"

"Um..." I replied... " Well I have a guaranteed exercise program"

"Guaranteed?" they replied... "Prove it! We will send you a random back pain sufferer to work with you. We then want them to come on LIVE TV and tell us what their results are...good or bad! Oh..and you only have 4 weeks, because Back pain awareness week is in 4 weeks"

I think she was calling my bluff.

"Ok" I replied.

"Really?" Said the researcher on the phone... "But..this could turn out really bad for you... what if the patient doesn't get better and says really bad things about you?"

"She will get better" I replied. " I wouldn't agree to do this if I didn't know this for a fact"

So Jen rocked up at my clinic and I worked with her once a week for 4 weeks, gave her my program, and then got on a train to London not knowing what she was going to say on LIVE TV about me!

See for yourself what she said in this video....

Still not convinced you can resolve your back pain?

I am 100% committed to helping as many people as possible resolve their back pain.
I am so confident in this program's ability to help you that I am making it possible for you try it with no risk. This is the most effective, safe, time efficient and truely unique back muscle rebalancing program available. If you are not 100% bowled-over with it and your results, I will refund your full payment under our 10 day money back guarantee - no questions asked. You will also get to keep "The 7 Secrets to Resolving Back Pain" videos series bonus for life - because I want you to resolve your back pain, and for that you need this knowledge!

What have you got to lose? (Except your back pain!)

You can do it! You just need to take action in the right direction. 

Warmest wishes,

Frequently Asked Questions:
"How much time will I need to commit each week?"
Your first 2 weeks will require a little extra time as you will be learning the exercises but it still will take less than 30 minutes a day.

Once you have learned the exercises the whole program will take you around 20-22 minutes a day for the last 4 weeks.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!
"Are there any people who should NOT follow this program?"
Yes. If you have an active disc bulge you should NOT do this program. If you have a very old disc injury and no longer have leg pain, and this condition is considered chronic, this program will be safe for you. The reason for this is that disc injuries need to avoid rotation and this program contains a lot of rotation to stretch out the back. 

This program is specifically designed to resolve MUSCULAR back pain.
"Who is Coby Langford?"
Coby Langford is a highly experienced Osteopath with 17 years clinical practice. She is also an Internationally renowned yoga instructor with 20 years experience.

She has been trusted and employed as an Osteopath by ITV &  Liverpool Football Club, treating celebrities and Premiership football players.

Coby was featured on MTV treating Kerry Katona.

Dr Hilary Jones, GMTV's resident medic recommends Coby's back pain programs and has suggested that every GP surgery should adopt her approaches to resolving back pain. 

Coby's work is unique and EFFECTIVE. You are safe and in good hands

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